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20 € sleva z 120 € s kódem: 50169 – pospěšte si, platí pouze po omezenou dobu!

Buster C Type Riversurfboard
Buster C Type Riversurfboard
Buster C Type Riversurfboard

Buster C Type Riversurfboard

€ 579,95
včetně DPH 
Barva: white





Detaily produktu


Pro stabilitu a obratnost

Setup Ploutví

Všestranný, obratný a stabilní

Fin Box Systém

Kompatibilní s FCS

Produkt č.

  • 745139
  • Pohlaví

    • Muže
    • Ženy
    • Děti

    Surfboard shape

    • Riversurf

    Vlastnosti surfů

    • Finy
    • Hardboard

    Úroveň ježdění

    • Expert
    • Pokročilý
    Tabulka technických parametrů
    Velikost 5'5
    Délka (ft)5'4
    Objem (liter)23.3
    Tloušťka (inch)2.25
    Váha jezdce (kg)40 - 85
    Čistá váha (kg)2.8
    Šířka prkna (inch)19.25

    Popis produktu

    Agility, precision in turns and speed

    The Buster C-Type combines best agility, precision in turns, perfect speed for fast lines and good trick capability. The board is intended for all surfers who like fast and aggressive surfing, but still want to have a board under their feet where they don't have to compromise on trick performance. The C-Type is aimed at Eisbach & wavepool surfers up to 85 kg, but can also be surfed by lighter surfers on river waves with less pressure. In addition, the C-Type features Buster's Super Rails, which significantly increase the life of the board.

    Surfers weight:
    Weak Wave: 40-50 kg
    Medium Wave: 45-60 kg
    Powerful Wave: 60-85 kg

    Weak: Bremgarten, Plattling
    Medium: Floßlände, Almkanal, Cunovo (CZ)
    Powerful: Eisbach, Citywave, Unit Wave, The Wave

    • Surfblanks Australia 2.49 lb cu ft „red“ Blank
    • 644 Polyester Strong Laminate
    • SUPER RAILS Technology
    • Stable SANE Plugs / FCS System
    • BF3 4.28″ Fin Set / FCS System
    • Wet Rub Finish

    Více informací

    Prosíme, v případě poškození balíku přijměte zásilku pouze s výhradami. Do formuláře o převzetí zásilky jednoduše uveďte k vašemu podpisu "s výhradami".

    O značce Buster

    Buster Surfboards shine with the art of German engineering, the strong will to rethink surfboard shaping, and a lot of experience in riversurfing and surfing. Their boards stand out from the mass with ingenious and more inexpensive construction methods and are perfectly adapted to their intended use.