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20 € sleva z 120 € s kódem: 50169 – pospěšte si, platí pouze po omezenou dobu!

Ocean & Earth Happy Hour Epoxy 6'6 Softtop Surfboard
Ocean & Earth Happy Hour Epoxy 6'6 Softtop Surfboard
Ocean & Earth Happy Hour Epoxy 6'6 Softtop Surfboard
Ocean & Earth Happy Hour Epoxy 6'6 Softtop Surfboard

Ocean & Earth Happy Hour Epoxy 6'6 Softtop Surfboard

€ 419,95
včetně DPH 
Barva: violet





Detaily produktu

Surfboard shape

Univerzální pro různé vlny


Pro přilnavost v dlouhých zatáčkách

Setup Ploutví

Fin Box Systém

Kompatibilní s Futures

Produkt č.

  • 746389
  • Vlastnosti surfů

    • Finy
    • Softtop

    Úroveň ježdění

    • Pokročilý
    • Středně pokročilý


    • Muže
    • Ženy
    • Děti
    Tabulka technických parametrů
    Velikost 6'66'66'6
    Délka (ft)6'66'66'6
    Objem (liter)43.443.443.4
    Tloušťka (inch)2.8752.8752.875
    Velikost vln (ft)1 - 81 - 81 - 8
    Váha jezdce (kg)60 - 8060 - 8060 - 80
    Čistá váha (kg)555
    Šířka prkna (inch)21.62521.62521.625

    Popis produktu

    With the Happy Hour you grab one wave after the other 

    The Ocean & Earth Happy Hour is all about fun with a difference! It gives you amazing all-around performance with the stiffness of an epoxy board and the benefits of a durable, soft-textured deck. 
    A narrower pin tail provides for more power, while the wider nose area makes for easy paddling.
    The rocker is kept to a minimum so that you can catch your waves super-easy.
    With it you can venture into your first waves or improve your skills from your first surf course. 

    • Textured EVA deck
    • High density polyethelene plate on the underside 
    • 1x 8" polycarbonate centre fin
    • 2x 4" polycarbonate side fins
    • Waterproof and lightweight EPS core
    • 5-fin setup

    O značce Ocean & Earth

    'The world's strongest leash'- this Australian brand has mastered surf accessories. Despite growing for the last 40 years Ocean & Earth stays independently owned and run by surfers. You can trust them to keep you connected and secure to your surfboard.