BurtonRiglet Board Reel 2025 Snowboardsæt
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Produkt beskrivelse
The snowboard teaching tool for your toddlers
The Riglet Reel will help the youngest kids to learn snowboarding. Attach this nifty reel to the nose of the youth Chopper®, Chicklet™, Riglet, and After School Special snowboards.
It is a quick and easy way to pull your minion around while they get used to standing and riding sideways. For small children, those long walks with lots of gear can be very exhausting. You can use the Riglet Reel to easily chauffer them to the lift and maximize their riding time.
- Retractable Reel with 130 cm of High-Strength Nylon
- Size-adjustable handle
- One year warranty
Mere information
Information: Bindings won't be mounted by us when ordering sets.