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Arbor Photo Axis 37" Skateboard
Arbor Photo Axis 37" Skateboard
Arbor Photo Axis 37" Skateboard
Arbor Photo Axis 37" Skateboard
Arbor Photo Axis 37" Skateboard

Arbor Photo Axis 37" Skateboard

kr 1.795,-kr 720,-
inkl. Moms 
-60 %
Farve: uni





Produkt detaljer

Øko-venligt materiale

Indeholder bæredygtige materialer såsom økologisk eller genbrugte materialer

Øko-venlig produktion

Fremstillet på en mere miljøvenlig måde

Riding Style


Low concave for stability


  • 640535
  • Køn

    • Mænd
    • Kvinder
    • Børn


    • Drop Through


    • Genbrugte materialer
    • Bæredygtig

    Board bredde

    • 8.5 inch

    Længde (inch)

    • 37 inch

    Bredde (cm)

    • 21.59 cm


    • 93.98 cm

    Truck Montering

    • Drop-through


    • 27.75 inch

    Truck bredde

    • 7.1 inch


    • 69 mm

    Hårdhed på hjul

    • 78A

    Effektiv overflade

    • 44 mm

    ABEC Tal

    • 7

    Produkt beskrivelse

    Design and construction of highest quality

    The Axis 37" of the Arbor Photo Series is designed for smooth downhill and carving sessions. The board offers a comfortable, stable ride, even at higher speeds.

    Riding style
    A versatile freeride board for creative skaters. No matter if you are cruising and carving in the city, or if you are gaining your first downhill experience at higher speeds.

    The symmetrical shape is perfect for skating in both directions, whether forward or switch. With the drop-through truck mounting the board is one deck width lower than the top mount. The low centre of gravity increases stability and smooth running.

    All Arbor Skate Decks are handmade and built from sustainable wood. The wide trucks in reverse kingpin design are manoeuvrable and very stable. The soft wheels offer a very good grip and roll smoothly over any surface. The deck consists of 8 layers of Canadian maple wood.

    • Arbor Photo Series
    • Photo collaboration with Michael Townsend
    • 8-ply Canadian hardrock maple
    • Wood material comes from sustainable sources
    • Wood by-products are recovered for use in other products
    • Reverse kingpin trucks Paris 50° 180 mm
    • 69 mm, 78A Arbor wheels
    • ABEC 7 bearings

    Mere information


    Note: Wheel and truck colours may vary due to stock shortage.

    Om Arbor

    Arbor er seriøse og hengivne til at bygge produkter både til at have på og til at ride fra de bedst mulie materialer. De har ligeledes sat fokus på miljøet og introduceret deres "Returning Roots" koncept. Det er et program, som hjælper med at beskytte og genetablere skovene og give tilbage til vores jord, til mennesker og til steder, der gør det muligt for os alle at skate, snowboarde og surfe. Materialer, formning, kunst og design kommer smukt sammen i et hvert aspekt af Arbors håndlavede produkter.