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- Mænd
- Kvinder
- leather
- Low tops
- Forstærket ollie område
- Cupsole
Produkt beskrivelse
The classic by Billy Marks with new features
With the Revolver Skate Shoes, Fallen is bringing Billy Marks' classic back onto the market in an improved version. The new Impact Foam II insole gives you buttery soft landings, while Fallen stays true to the design of the legendary skate shoe. In addition, Fallen have come up with some upgrades for this season that make the classic even better. FLX technology adds comfort and durability, while the True Fit Feel keeps the tongue centred.
The Revolver is rounded off by a robust, abrasion-resistant cupsole.
- Billy Marks pro model
- Impact Foam II insole
- Abrasion resistant cup sole
- Fallen and Billy Marks details
Om Fallen
Fallen Footwear var oprindeligt grundlagt af Jamie Thomas og er et grundnavn inden for skateboarding. Efter enturbulent tid er brandet for nyligt genopstået. Vi er ekstra glade for at være med i brandets næste kapitel.