Levi's Courtright Sneakers
kr 470,-kr 210,-
inkl. Moms
ekskl. forsendelse
-55 %
Størrelses guide
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Produkt detaljer
- Mænd
- PU
- Dette produkt er et unisex produkt
- Polstret snude for mere komfort
- Polstret hælkappe for bedre hold om hælen
Produkt beskrivelse
Classic sneakers with a clean design
The Levi's® Countright sneakers offer you a clean design with subtle Levi's® logo details on the side. The high-quality finish, lacing with metal eyelets and a comfortable mesh insole make them the ideal companion for your everyday life.
- Levi's® Sneakers made from PU
- High quality processing
- Levi's® logo details
Om Levi's
„You wear jeans. You live in Levi’s®'', that's the motto behind probably the biggest denim company in the world. The Levi Strauss company started in 1873 making „Waist Overalls'', for American labourers and quickly became a cult classic. Up to this day perfectly fitting blue jeans for anyone are their hallmark.