MOB Grip Grip Cleaner Griptape
kr 90,-kr 40,-
inkl. Moms
ekskl. forsendelse
-56 %
Farve: neutral
Størrelse: UNI
Bedømmelser (3)
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Produkt beskrivelse
The MOB Grip Griptape Cleaner makes your griptape fresh again!
The "grippiest" griptape just got easier to keep clean! Erase dirt & dust from your griptape! The griptape cleaner gets deep into the grit to bring back the original grip of your griptape.
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Om MOB Grip
'The grippiest grip tape in skateboarding.' That's a bold statement. They also claim to have the biggest and best team in skating. And to be the no.1 choice of the pros. We can't disagree with any of these statements.