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Pass Port Times Are Tough Shake 8.125" Skateboard deck
Pass Port Times Are Tough Shake 8.125" Skateboard deck
Pass Port Times Are Tough Shake 8.125" Skateboard deck
Pass Port Times Are Tough Shake 8.125" Skateboard deck

Pass Port Times Are Tough Shake 8.125" Skateboard deck

kr 665,-
inkl. Moms 
Farve: blue
Størrelse: UNI





Produkt detaljer


Medium concave for versatility


  • 700468
  • Køn

    • Mænd
    • Kvinder
    • Børn

    Board bredde

    • 8.125 inch

    Længde (inch)

    • 32 inch

    Bredde (cm)

    • 20.64 cm


    • 81.28 cm

    Skateboard features

    • Single pressed skate deck
    • Standard popsicle-form
    • 7-lags ahorn


    • 14.25 inch

    Mere information

    Skateboard Trucks Size Chart

    Deck width Ace AF1 Ace Classic Independent Krux Slappy Tensor Thunder Venture
    7.0" 4.75
    7.125" 4.75 143
    7.25" 22 11 7.6 4.75 143
    7.375" 22 11 129 7.6 4.75 / 5.0 143 / 145
    7.5" 22 11 / 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145
    7.625" 22 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145 5.0
    7.75" 22 22 129 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.0 145 5.0
    7.875" 22 22 / 33 139 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.25 145 / 147 5.0 / 5.2
    8.0" 22 / 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 147 5.2
    8.125" 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 / 5.5 147 / 148 5.2 / 5.6
    8.2" 33 33 139 / 144 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.5 148 5.6
    8.25" 33 / 44 33 / 44 144 8.25 / 8.5 8.25 5.5 148 5.6
    8.375" 44 44 144 / 149 8.5 8.25 5.5 / 5.75 148 5.6 / 5.8
    8.4" 44 44 149 8.5 8.25 5.75 148 / 149 5.8
    8.5" 44 / 55 44 149 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.6" 55 44 149 / 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.625" 55 44 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 / 151 6.1
    8.75" 55 / 60 44 / 55 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.75 151 6.1
    9.0" 60 / 66 55 159 / 169 8.5 / 9.0 9.0 161 6.1
    9.25" 66 / 77 66 169 9.0 9.25 161
    9.5" 77 66 169 9.0 9.5 161 / 181
    10.0" 215 9.0 10.0 181

    Skateboard farve disclaimer


    De reelle farver kan afvige fra produktbillederne.

    Nogle skateboard deck har andre farver end hvad der er vist.

    Om Pass Port

    Pass Port was Trent Evans answer to the 'heartless' Australian skate sceen back in 2009. He and his two partners began trying to revive the sport that they thought had become stale. Pass Port is a place for creatives, a brand where street art and skateboarding come together.