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Smith Maze MIPS Hjelm
Smith Maze MIPS Hjelm

Smith Maze MIPS Hjelm

kr 1.170,-
inkl. Moms 
Farve: matte ink





Produkt detaljer


  • 369323
  • Køn

    • Mænd
    • Kvinder


    • polystyrene, polycarbonate, ABS


    • 925 g

    Hjelm features

    • Ventilation

    Produkt beskrivelse

    MIPS® Technology by Smith

    MIPS® is a safety system for all kind of helmets and stands for Multi Directional Impact Protection System. The focus of this technology is to secure the head from beats with an obliquely angle of incidence. Classic helmets protect your head mostly from static impacts, which collide your head in a 90 degree angle. That sounds good on a paper, but in reality most of the beats hit your head in a different angle. That´s why the MIPS® technology was developed. This system makes it possible to absorb static impacts as well as impacts which hit your head in a different angle.

    How does MIPS® work?
    The classic example for the MIPS®-System is the human brain. To be prepared for impacts with an oblique angle of incidence, our brain is swimming in brain water with low friction. But this function of our brain can´t secure us from impacts with high speed. This is where the MIPS® technology comes into play: An additional shift with low friction between the helmet and your head imitates and fortifies the function of your brain. When it comes to an impact with an obliquely angle of incidence the helmet bowl glides over the additional shift with low friction, to minimize the rotation loads.

    • Snapfit SL2 earpads
    • AirEvac 2 ventilation
    • Removable goggle lock
    • Skullcandy™ audio systems compatible
    • Lightweight in-mold construction
    • Airflow climate control
    • 9 vents
    • MIPS® system
    • Self-adjusting lifestyle fit system

    Om Smith

    Så tidligt som i 1965 opfandt Smith sne-goggles, som vi kender dem i dag. Skabt til at give fanatiske shredders mere tid på bjerget uden et tåget udsyn, så har Smith dedikeret de seneste 50 år til at forberede måden, vi ser på. Hvis du ikke stirrer på solen gennem en Smith linse, stirrrer du så overhovedet på solen?