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Filip Zuan
Mathias Weißenbacher

Mathias Weißenbacher

Rider Profile
Birthday: 03.02.92
Nation: Austria
Residence: Radstadt
Favourite resort: Absolut Park Flachauwinkl
Sponsors: Blue Tomato, CAPiTA, UNION, DEELUXE, Dragon, Coal, Absolut Park

Mathias Weißenbacher has left his days as a Big Air and Slopestyle contest rider behind him. Instead of the Olympics and World Cup, the Austrian now runs a timber business. But his passion for boarding is far too strong to simply succumb to the ravages of time. At the beginning of 2023, Mathias celebrated his premiere in the Freeride World Tour Qualifier in Kappl.

Hero Image: Filip Zuan

Who is Mathias Weißenbacher?

Career start & news

  • 2011: World Cup participations in Big Air in London and Stockholm
  • 2012: 4th place Air & Style in Beijing
  • 2014: Participation at the Olympic Winter Games in Slopestyle in rosa Kuthor
  • 2023: First participation in a Freeride Competition (Open Faces Kappl Qualifier 3*)

Main sports

  • Snowboard (Slopestyle, Big Air & Freeride Competitions (2023!))


  • Handicrafts, anything to do with wood (Instacaption: "Into building stuff")
  • Surfing
  • Skateboarding

Information from old interviews

  • Favourite Snowboarder: Travis Rice
  • Knows no fear
  • Googles himself sometimes ("Who doesn't??")

Teamrider Set-Up

What are Mathias' favourite brands & partners?

Capita, Deeluxe, Union, Coal

Product currently not available

The latest and more news

Latest events

  • First Freeride Competition: 2023 Open Faces Kappl Qualifier 3*


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