Who is Fridtjof "Fridge" Tischendorf?
Career start & news
- 2016: Debut - FIS-Weltcup 2016
- 2022: 2. Knuckle Huck X Games
- Sustained a serious injury while filming for We Are Losers 3 in January 2024, got back on board for the Swatch Nines 2024
Main sports
- Snowboard (Big Air, Slopestyle)
- Skateboard
Perspectives: Beyond the Backpack with Fridtjof "Fridge" Tischendorf - Snowboarder
- The backpack is a tribute to his Skate 2 Avatar
- Afraid of slipping in the shower & crabs
Interview with Fridtjof 'Fridge' Sæther Tischendorf
Teamrider Set-Up
What are Fridge's favourite brands & partners?
Yes & Vans
Product currently not available
The latest and more news
Latest events
- Absolut Park Springbattle 23 Big Air (Best TurboKnuckle, 2. Best 540)
- Swatch Nines MVP
More Highlights
- Scandalnavians 2: Full Movie
- OUT OF SERVICE: Full Movie
- Fridge Pack: Liquid Fire
- Lobster Creamweek Hintertux