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Josh Absenger

Josh Absenger

Rider Profile
Birthday: 27.12.86
Nation: Austria
Residence: Schladming
Favourite resort: Absolut Park Flachauwinkl
Sponsors: Blue Tomato, Armada, Dalbello, Oakley, Oyuki, Evoc, Absolut Park

Josh Absenger has conquered the freeski world from Schladming. His regular film projects bear witness to his passion and the fact that he loves to share it with his friends. In recent years, he has increasingly been drawn to Japan, as the Pacific island nation has fascinated him in particular since his youth. The result of this fascination is called "Children Of The Snow" and is just one of the many projects that Josh has put his freeski stamp on.

Who is Josh Absenger?

Career start & news

  • For decades: integral part of the Austrian freeski scene

  • From park shoots, street spots and japow trips, he has done everything freeskiing has to offer

  • Coach at Absolut Park: an important part of the promotion of young talent

  • For years: he has been releasing his own film projects (they often show more powder than others see in their entire live)

  • Newest film project: "Floating Genlty"

Main sports

  • Freeski


  • Trained chef

Information from old interviews

Teamrider Set-Up

What are Josh's favourite brands & partners?

Armada, Oakley, Dalbello, Oyuki

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The latest and more news

More highlights

  • Film project: "Floating Gently"


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