Atomic Shift2 13 Mn Laskettelusiteet
Arvostelut (0)
- 6-13
Siteiden teknologia
- Walkmode
- Touring
- Freeride
- Ekspertti
- Edistynyt
- Romania
- Naisille
- Miehille
- 920 g
Efficient touring combined with the best freeride / alpine performance
The Shift2 13 Multinorm features a hybrid ski / walk function that combines the best of both worlds: pin binding mobility for the way up, alpine stability for the way down. It is compatible with all standardised boots on the market, whether alpine ski boots or touring boots. With this binding, you don't have to make any compromises when touring and skiing downhill. No more climbing with heavy frame bindings, no more descending with pins, just one binding for all your touring and on-piste days.
- DIN range: 6 - 13
- Multi-Norm Certified + Pin
- Micro adjustable AFD with aluminum Power Block
- Adjustment Range: 30 mm
- Low Profile Chassis
- Oversized Platform
- Carbon-infused PA material
- Hike and Ride Switch
- Crampon Compatible
- Manual Toe Height Adjustment
- Climbing Aid (2 settings)
- Locking Brakes
- TÜV certified
Siteet myydään pareittain!
Suosittelemme, että ostat suksisidoksen, jonka tulpan leveys on 5-10 mm suurempi kuin suksesi keskimääräinen leveys.
Jos tarvitset muita tulpan leveyksiä, ota suoraan yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme.
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