Independent Original Cushions Soft 90A Holkit
€ 9,95
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Väri: red
Koko: UNI
Arvostelut (0)
- Miehille
- Naisille
- Lapset
Smooth Turns, Stable Rides
- Ultra high rebound urethane
- Fits Independent Stages 1-7
- Includes 2 top and 2 bottom cushions
- Comes with cup washers
- Ideal for stable, smooth turns
Skateboard Colour Disclaimer
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Tietoa brändistä Independent
With nearly 30 years skateboard experience, the Independent Truck Company is best known for their high quality skateboard trucks, bearings and brushings. Made from super high quality materials, they guarantee you a smooth ride and less wear and tear than any other brand on the market.