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Polar Skate Aaron Herrington-Day Dreaming 8.125" Skeittilaudan dekki
Polar Skate Aaron Herrington-Day Dreaming 8.125" Skeittilaudan dekki
Polar Skate Aaron Herrington-Day Dreaming 8.125" Skeittilaudan dekki
Polar Skate Aaron Herrington-Day Dreaming 8.125" Skeittilaudan dekki

Polar Skate Aaron Herrington-Day Dreaming 8.125" Skeittilaudan dekki

€ 79,95€ 49,95
Sisältää ALV:n 
ei sisällä Toimituskuluja
-38 %
Väri: uni
Koko: UNI







Medium concave for versatility


  • 702964
  • Sukupuoli

    • Miehille
    • Naisille
    • Lapset

    Laudan leveys

    • 8.125 inch

    Pituus (inch)

    • 32 inch

    Leveys (cm)

    • 20.64 cm


    • 81.28 cm

    Skeittilaudan ominaisuudet

    • Standardi Popsicle-muoto
    • 7-viiluista vaahteraa


    • 14.25 inch


    Aaron Herrington pro model from Polar

    • Aaron Herrington pro model
    • Artwork by AMTK
    • Seven-ply maple wood
    • Standard shape
    • Graphic print on the top


    Skateboard Trucks Size Chart

    Deck width Ace AF1 Ace Classic Independent Krux Slappy Tensor Thunder Venture
    7.0" 4.75
    7.125" 4.75 143
    7.25" 22 11 7.6 4.75 143
    7.375" 22 11 129 7.6 4.75 / 5.0 143 / 145
    7.5" 22 11 / 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145
    7.625" 22 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145 5.0
    7.75" 22 22 129 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.0 145 5.0
    7.875" 22 22 / 33 139 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.25 145 / 147 5.0 / 5.2
    8.0" 22 / 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 147 5.2
    8.125" 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 / 5.5 147 / 148 5.2 / 5.6
    8.2" 33 33 139 / 144 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.5 148 5.6
    8.25" 33 / 44 33 / 44 144 8.25 / 8.5 8.25 5.5 148 5.6
    8.375" 44 44 144 / 149 8.5 8.25 5.5 / 5.75 148 5.6 / 5.8
    8.4" 44 44 149 8.5 8.25 5.75 148 / 149 5.8
    8.5" 44 / 55 44 149 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.6" 55 44 149 / 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.625" 55 44 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 / 151 6.1
    8.75" 55 / 60 44 / 55 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.75 151 6.1
    9.0" 60 / 66 55 159 / 169 8.5 / 9.0 9.0 161 6.1
    9.25" 66 / 77 66 169 9.0 9.25 161
    9.5" 77 66 169 9.0 9.5 161 / 181
    10.0" 215 9.0 10.0 181

    Skateboard Colour Disclaimer


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    Tietoa brändistä Polar Skate

    Pontus Alv has a real DIY mentality. He has made skate parks and spots across Malmö and also his brand Polar Skate. He combines skateboarding with a distinctive Swedish design aesthetic. Every Polar skate edit is must-see content and skaters worldwide wait for the new Polar styles.