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Worble The End 8.5" Skeittilaudan dekki
Worble The End 8.5" Skeittilaudan dekki
Worble The End 8.5" Skeittilaudan dekki
Worble The End 8.5" Skeittilaudan dekki

Worble The End 8.5" Skeittilaudan dekki

€ 69,95€ 39,95
Sisältää ALV:n 
ei sisällä Toimituskuluja
-43 %
Väri: assorted







Medium concave for versatility


  • 704123
  • Sukupuoli

    • Miehille
    • Naisille
    • Lapset

    Laudan leveys

    • 8.5 inch

    Pituus (inch)

    • 32.25 inch

    Leveys (cm)

    • 21.59 cm


    • 81.92 cm

    Skeittilaudan ominaisuudet

    • Standardi Popsicle-muoto
    • 7-viiluista vaahteraa


    • 14.25 inch


    Chris Colbourn pro model from Worble

    • Seven-ply maple wood
    • Chris "Cookie" Colbourn pro model
    • Artwork by Chris Colbourn
    • Printed topsheet


    Skateboard Trucks Size Chart

    Deck width Ace AF1 Ace Classic Independent Krux Slappy Tensor Thunder Venture
    7.0" 4.75
    7.125" 4.75 143
    7.25" 22 11 7.6 4.75 143
    7.375" 22 11 129 7.6 4.75 / 5.0 143 / 145
    7.5" 22 11 / 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145
    7.625" 22 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145 5.0
    7.75" 22 22 129 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.0 145 5.0
    7.875" 22 22 / 33 139 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.25 145 / 147 5.0 / 5.2
    8.0" 22 / 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 147 5.2
    8.125" 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 / 5.5 147 / 148 5.2 / 5.6
    8.2" 33 33 139 / 144 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.5 148 5.6
    8.25" 33 / 44 33 / 44 144 8.25 / 8.5 8.25 5.5 148 5.6
    8.375" 44 44 144 / 149 8.5 8.25 5.5 / 5.75 148 5.6 / 5.8
    8.4" 44 44 149 8.5 8.25 5.75 148 / 149 5.8
    8.5" 44 / 55 44 149 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.6" 55 44 149 / 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.625" 55 44 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 / 151 6.1
    8.75" 55 / 60 44 / 55 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.75 151 6.1
    9.0" 60 / 66 55 159 / 169 8.5 / 9.0 9.0 161 6.1
    9.25" 66 / 77 66 169 9.0 9.25 161
    9.5" 77 66 169 9.0 9.5 161 / 181
    10.0" 215 9.0 10.0 181

    Skateboard Colour Disclaimer


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    Joillakin skeittidekeillä on erilainen värjätty viilu tai pohjaväri kuin mitä on esitetty.

    Tietoa brändistä Worble

    Worble started off in green Vermont. In contrast to the pronounced skate culture in south California, Vermont is quite quiet. It's not that easy to find good skate spots. This didn't stop Worble from conquering skateboarding. The crew make the most of their green home state. They source the wood for their decks from regional forests. A small but beautiful streetwear collection rounds of the Worble line-up.