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Zero Cole Ripper 8.0" Skeittilaudan dekki
Zero Cole Ripper 8.0" Skeittilaudan dekki
Zero Cole Ripper 8.0" Skeittilaudan dekki
Zero Cole Ripper 8.0" Skeittilaudan dekki

Zero Cole Ripper 8.0" Skeittilaudan dekki

€ 74,95€ 44,95
Sisältää ALV:n 
ei sisällä Toimituskuluja
-40 %
Väri: black red







Medium concave for versatility


  • 660251
  • Sukupuoli

    • Miehille
    • Naisille
    • Lapset

    Laudan leveys

    • 8 inch

    Pituus (inch)

    • 31.6 inch

    Leveys (cm)

    • 20.32 cm


    • 80.26 cm

    Skeittilaudan ominaisuudet

    • Standardi Popsicle-muoto
    • 7-viiluista vaahteraa


    • 14 inch


    Chris Cole Pro dekki Zerolta

    • Chris Cole Pro dekki
    • 7-viiluista vaahteraa
    • Standardi muoto


    Skateboard Trucks Size Chart

    Deck width Ace AF1 Ace Classic Independent Krux Slappy Tensor Thunder Venture
    7.0" 4.75
    7.125" 4.75 143
    7.25" 22 11 7.6 4.75 143
    7.375" 22 11 129 7.6 4.75 / 5.0 143 / 145
    7.5" 22 11 / 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145
    7.625" 22 22 129 7.6 7.5 5.0 145 5.0
    7.75" 22 22 129 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.0 145 5.0
    7.875" 22 22 / 33 139 7.6 / 8.0 7.75 5.25 145 / 147 5.0 / 5.2
    8.0" 22 / 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 147 5.2
    8.125" 33 33 139 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.25 / 5.5 147 / 148 5.2 / 5.6
    8.2" 33 33 139 / 144 8.0 / 8.25 8.0 5.5 148 5.6
    8.25" 33 / 44 33 / 44 144 8.25 / 8.5 8.25 5.5 148 5.6
    8.375" 44 44 144 / 149 8.5 8.25 5.5 / 5.75 148 5.6 / 5.8
    8.4" 44 44 149 8.5 8.25 5.75 148 / 149 5.8
    8.5" 44 / 55 44 149 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.6" 55 44 149 / 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 5.8
    8.625" 55 44 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.5 5.75 149 / 151 6.1
    8.75" 55 / 60 44 / 55 159 8.5 / 9.0 8.75 151 6.1
    9.0" 60 / 66 55 159 / 169 8.5 / 9.0 9.0 161 6.1
    9.25" 66 / 77 66 169 9.0 9.25 161
    9.5" 77 66 169 9.0 9.5 161 / 181
    10.0" 215 9.0 10.0 181

    Skateboard Colour Disclaimer


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    Tietoa brändistä Zero

    Zero came to life at a time when skateboarding was feeling slightly stiff and preppy. Founder Jamie Thomas wanted to cater to the underdog, bringing back the raw and powerful ruggedness of skateboarding. With some of the most influential skate videos to date and a whole new take on graphics, Zero made it to the top of the line at the turn of the century. With a pro team that puts most other brands to shame, Jamie Thomas has been able to continue building and expanding his dream.