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Protect Our Winters

Protecting Winter Together: POW and Blue Tomato join forces, again. Because we all need winter.

Climate change and environmental breakdown are among the most urgent threats facing our planet today. The damage goes far beyond the loss of powder days—it touches every aspect of our lives. From our economy and food supply to access to clean drinking water, the impacts of climate change are far-reaching. Already, millions of people around the world are experiencing the devastating effects of extreme weather events, floods, droughts, and resource-driven conflicts.

This is where Protect Our Winters (POW) steps in. POW is a coalition of passionate outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, creatives, scientists, campaigners and business leaders, united by one goal: driving cultural change, shaping progressive policies, and advocating for sustainable practices. We’re working to protect the places we ski, snowboard, climb, hike and explore—because these are the places that make life truly special.

POW turns passion into purpose.

Learn more about POW in your country!

2025: UNESCO’s International Year of Glacier Protection

For the outdoor community, glacier loss is an all-too-familiar reality. Climate change is reshaping our beloved mountain landscapes, with devastating consequences for winter sports, alpinism, tourism and most importantly: the ecosystems that sustain life.

Indeed, beyond the beloved mountain landscapes we cherish, this loss threatens the resources we depend on — our drinking water, the food we grow, the places we settle and the energy that powers our lives.

As outdoor lovers, we are fortunate. We spend countless hours immersed in nature’s beauty, but we also witness its fragility firsthand: unpredictable weather patterns, vanishing wildlife, devastating landslides and diminishing snowfall. We see how climate change is already affecting communities less fortunate than ours, and how Europe’s mountains and wild places are suffering.

This means we have a responsibility to act.
Our responsibility is to use our privilege and voice to drive systemic change that protects our winters and our planet.

POW in Action: Fighting for Our Glaciers

Throughout the year, POW is hosting awareness-raising events and film screenings across Europe, teaming up with partners and like-minded organizations to rally action for glacier protection. Together, we’re determined to ensure that everything possible is done to protect these critical landscapes and safeguard the resources they provide, through real climate action. Find out more here.

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