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K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard
K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard
K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard
K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard
K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard
K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard

K2 Special Effects 2025 Snowboard

€ 649,95€ 399,95
IVA inclusa 
-38 %
Colore: design





Dettagli prodotto


Permissiva, divertente e molto galleggiante in powder


Nose ampio e tail stretto per un galleggiamento straordinario in powder

Articolo numero

  • 731596
  • Base

    • Sinterizzata


    • Downsize


    • Standard Inserts

    Stile di riding

    • Freeride

    Livello di riding

    • Avanzato


    • 7


    • Rigido


    • Uomo
    Tabella delle specifiche
    Taglia 140144148152
    Lamina effettiva (cm)99101105109
    Larghezza centrale (cm)26.827.62828.4
    Larghezza del nose (cm)31.332.132.733.3
    Larghezza del tail (cm)29.330.130.731.3
    Larghezza dello snowboard WideWideWideWide
    Lunghezza (cm)140144148152
    Peso del rider (kg)41 - 7541 - 7554 - 9059 - 100
    Raggio di sciancratura (m)
    Stance arretrato (mm)19191919

    Descrizione prodotto

    Your ride in the backcountry

    The K2 Special Effects was developed for the backcountry. Its rocker shape gives you an incredible amount of uplift. In addition, the contoured nose design lets you float on soft snow and prevents too much snow from accumulating on the nose. The tail design lets it plunge deep into powder, lifting the nose out of deep snow. We can already feel the powder turns.

    Riding style
    The Special Effects feels at home in deep, fresh powder. Off the hard slopes, far out, on snowy slopes and pillow lines.

    The directional shape ensures uplift for trips into the powder, offers stability and control, and guarantees pop. The taper means the nose is wider than the tail, promoting smooth turn entry and exit, stability at high speeds, and enhanced deep snow uplift. The larger volume in the front area allows you to make effortless turns in deep and soft snow and increases the float enormously.

    The Special Effects has a flat profile under the bindings and a rocker at the nose. It offers endless uplift without sacrificing edge hold. The swallowtail sinks deep into the snow for another bit of lift.

    A harder flex guarantees full control in all conditions.

    The Bambooyah™ Core offers the best performance, is extremely durable and is made from renewable materials. Volume Shift™ redistributes the volume in the snowboard - this construction gives you a shorter but wider board that has the same float and stability as your normal board but is more manoeuvrable due to its short length. The Biax fibreglass offers minimal torsional flex and a forgiving riding experience. The Sintered 4000 Base absorbs wax deep into the pores and ensures the best glide and long-lasting durability when properly cared for.

    • Directional Rocker profile
    • Bambooyah™ Core
    • ICG™ 10 Biax Glass with Carbon
    • Volume Shift™
    • 3D Contour Nose
    • Sintered 4000 Base

    Maggiori informazioni

    Soggetto a modifiche secondo il distributore. Immagine non vincolante.


    Gli snowboard vengono consegnati pronti all'uso, con soletta sciolinata e lamine fatte. Tuttavia, questa lavorazione 'di fabbrica' non dura a lungo e ti consigliamo di sciolinare i la tua nuova tavola dopo un paio di uscite e di prendertene cura su base regolare.

    A proposito di K2

    Arrivando da oltre 50 anni di esperienza, e con sede in uno dei punti con più densità di neve della terra, K2 sa un paio di cose sugli sport da neve. Se stai cercando innovazione seria e tecnologia top class che farà battere forte il tuo cuore e ti lascerà un sorriso stampato sul viso, allora K2 è il marchio fatto per te.