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Armada ARW 88 2024 Smuči
Armada ARW 88 2024 Smuči

Armada ARW 88 2024 Smuči

€ 549,95€ 439,-
z DDV 
-20 %
Barva: uni





Podrobnosti o izdelku


Odlično za proge in pršič


Odlično, da svoje trike popelješ na nove terene

Št. Izdelka

  • 711906
  • Podlaga

    • Sintrirano

    Stranske stene smuči

    • Stranske stene po celotni dolžini

    Stil vožnje

    • Freestyle
    • All Mountain

    Nivo spretnosti

    • Nadaljevalni
    • Napredni


    • 6


    • Srednja


    • Ženske
    Velikost 156161166171176181
    Dolžina (cm)156161166171176181
    Radij zavoja (m)14.51515.51616.517
    Teža (g)155016251650
    Širina nosu (cm)11.611.711.811.91212.1
    Širina repa (cm)1111.111.211.311.411.5
    Širina sredine (cm)

    Opis izdelka

    Competition-proven park performance

    The ARW 88, combines a poplar core with w3Dgewall construction for maximum edge hold and pop in the toughest conditions, from rutted inruns to icy pipe wall. With more camber and a shorter radius underfoot, the ARW 88 offers a more traditional feel compared to other ARWs, while an extended radius in the tip and tail prevents any snagging on take-off and landing.

    Riding style
    A high-performance freestyle ski for park and pipe. Ideal for rails, gaps and big kickers. If you are looking for the ultimate park and pipe ski, the ARW 88 should more than fulfil all your wishes.

    This ski comes with a Directional Twin Shape, the nose is a few millimetres wider than the tail, with a central binding position. Thus the ski offers you the same skiing characteristics forward and switch. However, thanks to the slightly wider nose you get a little more uplift in fresh snow.

    This ski comes with a classic camber under the binding and an even rocker in nose and tail. This profile is perfect for any terrain. Precision and pop for park and slope, good uplift in soft snow. The Rocker in the nose and tail also creates an additional, loose, tilt-free riding experience.

    Stability, strength and lightness are the top priorities for the poplar wood core. For those looking for predictability and smoothness, the poplar core delivers in all snow conditions. The w3Dgewall is a 3D-moulded, injected sidewall that is angled where it connects to the wood core. This provides a stronger, more even connection between the sidewall and the core. The result is a ski that can withstand more stress and at the same time offers better edge grip with less weight.

    • Directional Twin shape
    • AR Freestyle Rocker profile
    • Poplar wood core
    • ASH Binding inserts
    • W3Dgewall
    • S7 base
    • 2.5 Impact edges

    Dodatne informacije

    Smuči so ponavadi dostavljene s povoskano drsno površino in nabrušenimi robniki in so takoj pripravljene za vožnjo. Vendar v tovarni pripravljena oprema ponavadi ni dolgotrajna in tvoj nov smuči po nekaj dneh dobro ponovno povoskati ter jih redno vzdrževati.

    O znamki Armada

    "Armada - kar bo smučanje postalo" - znan citat Chrisa O'Connela, enega od ustanoviteljev blagovne znamke. Freeski podjetje, ki so ga ustvarili športniki za športnike, se je razvilo iz čiste strasti do smučanja in zaslužilo velik uspeh v svoji ključni demografiji. Z veliko all-star ekipo Armada še naprej prevladuje tako v freestyle kot v freeride sceni s kakovostno smučarsko opremo.