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20 € popusta pri naročilu v vrednosti nad 120 € s kodo: 50169 – velja le omejen čas!

Billabong Absolute 3/2 Chest Zip Full GBS Neoprenska obleka

€ 299,95
z DDV 
Barva: black





Podrobnosti o izdelku

Št. Izdelka

  • 691706
  • Spol

    • Moški

    Specifikacije materialov

    • 80 % neoprene, 10 % nylon, 10 % polyester

    Lastnosti materialov

    • Raztegljivo

    Dolžina rokavov

    • Dolgi rokavi

    Dolžina hlačnic

    • Dolge hlače

    Zadrga na neoprenu

    • Zadrga na prsih

    Debelina neoprena

    • 3 mm

    Debelina neoprena na okončinah

    • 2 mm

    Debelina neoprena pod pazduhami

    • 2 mm

    Priporočena temperatura vode

    • 15 - 20 °C

    Opis izdelka

    Men's neoprene wetsuit made from recycled materials

    The Billabong Absolute 3/2 Chest Zip Wetsuit for men has been made from the unique Superflex recycled jersey made from 100 % recycled fibres, in combination with the lightweight and recycled Superlight foam. This combination provides excellent heat retention and is good for the environment. Inside, the Absolute comes with 100 % recycled graphene fibre lining on panels front and back. This guarantees absolute warmth.
    The offset chest zip prevents snagging and the comp pull-on system ensures quick on and off.
    As an added environmental feature, the Absolute has been bonded with the non-toxic, water-based Aqua Alpha. Superflex neo tape on key seams completes the Absolute.

    • Outer: Superflex recycled Jersey made from 100 % recycled fibres
    • Superlight Foam made from recycled materials 
    • Graphene Recycler made from 100 % recycled graphene fibres
    • Offset chest zipper prevents it from malfunctioning
    • Comp pull-on system for easy on and off
    • Aqua Alpha, non-toxic, water-based adhesive
    • Superflex neo tape at key seams

    O znamki Billabong

    Od skromnih začetkov pred skoraj štiridesetimi leti, ko je za znamko stal le Gordon Merchant, ki je boardshortse šival kar za svojo kuhinjsko mizo, je Billabong zrasel v enega največjih igralcev na trgu kopalnih hlač. Z namenom vračanja surferski skupnosti, Billabong veliko svoje energije usmerja v iskanje mladih talentov in organiziranje nekaterih najboljših surf tekmovanj na svetu. Ta strast in predanost sta navdih generaciji za generacijo surferjev.