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Podrobnosti o izdelku
Okolju prijazna izdelava
Proizvedeno na bolj okolju prijazen način
Okolju prijazen material
Trajnostna sestava iz organskih ali recikliranih materialov
Vremenske razmere
Sončne do delno oblačne svetlobne razmere
Št. Izdelka
- Moški
- Ženske
Specifikacije materialov
- recycled plastic
- Reciklirani materiali
Oblika leče
- Cilindrična leča
Svetlobna prepustnost
- 13 %
Lastnosti zimskih očal
- Bonus leča
- Cilindrična leča
- Brez okvirja
Velikosti smučarskih/snowboard očal
- Prileganje za večje obraze
Premaz leč
- Ne-odsevno
Opis izdelka
Samoa White Goggle
As graceful and powerful as an infinity pool. Samoa is a pair of snow goggles with a wide lens without frame to really broaden your horizons! Made from 70% recycled materials. The lens is kept in place with magnets and secured with a side lock, which makes it easy to change the lens when the weather changes. The outside of the lens has a protective coating to minimize scratches, while the inside has a super-duper anti fog coating. The soft triple layer foam keeps the goggles nice and comfy on your face together with the silicone gripped strap. The spacious design allows you to wear regular glasses under your goggles. A soft case that fits both goggles and the extra lens and a pouch made from recycled polyester is included. The VLT is 13 % for the original lens. Made for those clear and sunny days. While the extra lens has a VLT of 51 % to give you the best visibility possible on cloudy days and hungover afternoons. Both with UV400 protection. All packaging made from 100% recycled materials.
- A frameless lens to really broaden your horizons without distortion
- Easy to use magnetic lens changing system with lock
- Protective coating to minimize scratches
- Super-duper anti fog coating
- Top to bottom ventilation
- Armoured venting
- Triple layer face foam
- Adjustable strap with silicone grip
- Can be worn over glasses
- Helmet compatible
- Good looks on and off the board guaranteed
- Extra lens included