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Ion Element 3/2 Back Zip Neoprenska obleka

€ 219,95€ 119,95
z DDV 
-45 %
Barva: black





Podrobnosti o izdelku

Št. Izdelka

  • 699311
  • Spol

    • Ženske

    Specifikacije materialov

    • 80 % neoprene, 20 % nylon

    Lastnosti materialov

    • Raztegljivo
    • Podloženo

    Dolžina rokavov

    • Dolgi rokavi

    Dolžina hlačnic

    • Dolge hlače

    Zadrga na neoprenu

    • Zadrga na hrbtu

    Debelina neoprena

    • 3 mm

    Debelina neoprena na okončinah

    • 2 mm

    Debelina neoprena pod pazduhami

    • 2 mm

    Priporočena temperatura vode

    • 15 - 20 °C

    Opis izdelka

    Allround wetsuit for women from Ion 

    The Element 3/2 Back Zip Wetsuit from Ion is an entry-level all-round suit that simply gives you more for your money. It offers comfort and protection in all the right places and is the perfect entry-level wetsuit for avid water sports enthusiasts. It is supple, stretchy and robust and has many features from premium ranges. Silk-Stuff lining on the upper body provides a comfortable fit and good stretch in the shoulder area. Hot-Stuff 2.0 - Ion's stretchiest thermal lining - further enhances warmth, flexibility and comfort.
    A tough L-Tex knee pad and durable nylon protect the wetsuit from wear and tear.
    All in all a very high quality wetsuit for men in the allround range.

    The Element Back Zip models have additional protective padding on the shins as well as removable leg loops that prevent water from entering the wetsuit.

    • Ion Element 3/2 Back Zip Wetsuit
    • Robust seams 
    • Silk-Stuff lining 
    • Hot Stuff 2.0 
    • L-Tex knee protection 

    O znamki Ion

    Izzovite sami sebe med raziskovanjem narave in ION bo poskrbel za vas, ne glede na vse. Vrhunska kakovost in občutek za detajle to znamko postavljata v ospredje. Njihovi izdelki so med najboljšimi mokrimi oblekami na trgu, zato je ta nemška znamka osvojila srca ljubiteljev vodnih športov po vsem svetu.