Velikostni vodnik
Ocene (0)
Podrobnosti o izdelku
Št. Izdelka
- Moški
- Ženske
Specifikacije materialov
- 100 % cotton
Lastnosti obutve
- Nizki čevlji
- Ojačana ollie cona
- Oblazinjeni podplat
Opis izdelka
Tiago Lemo model čevlja
New Balance Tiago Lemos 808 so izdelani za trpežnost, udobje in stabilnost. Dopolnjuje jih vmesni ABZORB sloj, ki blaži trde pristanke, medtem ko mrežasti vrhnji del omogoča zračenje. Semiš sočasno zagotavlja večjo trpežnost na mestih visoke obrabe, vodila vezalk pa jih ščitijo pred trganjem.
Ne le, da so modni, tudi trajajo.
- Mrežasti inserti
- Okrepitve sestave iz semiša
- ABZORB vmesni podplat
- Vodila za vezalke
O znamki New Balance
If you think about sneakers, it's more than likely that New Balance will come to mind. The global player has been around for over 100 years and they believe in one simple truth: we were born to move! Not only are they environmentally friendly and striving towards a zero waste policy, they also work closely with children to educate them on a healthy and active lifestyle and help them nurture their love of playing. That's why we're going one better in our range and also offering streetwear from New Balance.