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Podrobnosti o izdelku
Najboljši nadzor robnikov in mogočno karvanje
Simetrična oblika za freestyle in switch deskanje
Št. Izdelka
- Sintrirano
- Standard Inserts
Stil vožnje
- Freestyle
Nivo spretnosti
- Ekspert
- 8
- Trda
Profesionalni rider
- Halldor Elgason
Poreklo izdelka
- China
- Moški
Opis izdelka
Artist Edition XTRM 2025 Snowboard
"Halldor and Dagsson played around with a couple of designs until the “Halldor XTRM” (the pink one) came to light but being the creative forces of nature that they are, they wanted more. So the “Artist XTRM” (the black/white one) graphic was born from the depths of their wonderful dark minds. A limited edition no holds barred, everything goes best of Dagsson snowboard. Extreme satirical humor for this XTRM board design. Same specs as the “Halldor XTRM” and limited to one size, 155.For the exclusive and limited release of the “Artist XTRM” board, Halldor and Dagsson will be partnering this autumn to host a charity auction/party/art exhibition in Iceland in support of one of their favorite mental health charities."
- Dagsson Artwork
Dodatne informacije
Pridržujemo si pravico do sprememb, ki se lahko pojavijo s strani proizvajalca. Slika je neobvezujoča.
Snowboardi so ponavadi dostavljene s povoskano drsno površino in nabrušenimi robniki in so takoj pripravljene za vožnjo. Vendar v tovarni pripravljena oprema ponavadi ni dolgotrajna in tvoj nov snowboard po nekaj dneh dobro ponovno povoskati ter jih redno vzdrževati.