CariumaSlip On Pro Slip-ons
Størrelses guide
Bedømmelser (1)
Produkt detaljer
Øko-venligt materiale
Indeholder bæredygtige materialer såsom økologisk eller genbrugte materialer
Øko-venlig produktion
Fremstillet på en mere miljøvenlig måde
- Mænd
- Kvinder
- leather, textile, synthetic
- Organiske materialer
- Genbrugte materialer
- Bæredygtig
- rubber
- Low tops
- Polstret hælkappe for bedre hold om hælen
- Forstærket ollie område
Produkt beskrivelse
2 trees for your perfect skate shoe
Cariuma is the first skate shoe brand to receive the coveted B Corp certification, which stands for the highest standards in environmental and social sustainability. They also plant two trees for every pair of shoes sold, focusing on the rainforest in Brazil.
The Slip On Pro Skate Shoes are not only sustainably made, they also offer you the highest level of comfort, the best board feel, a grippy sole and a double rubber overlay for durability.
- Slip On Pro Skate Shoes
- Two trees planted per shoe sold
- Best board feeling
- Grippy sole
- Double rubber overlay